Yacht Refit Skills
Yacht refit is a fascinating and exciting journey. Boat and marine vessel refitting comprises repairing, fixing, restoring, rejuvenating, mending, and refurbishing an aging vessel. Refitting has evolved into one of the most essential processes performed within a shipyard. In this article we want to showcase different skills and services required in the refit industry to inspire your next career path or invite you to explore a new field.
Yacht Painting
From the beginning it seems that the process of painting yachts is very simple. Before applying paint and varnish products, the surface must be prepared. Work begins with the use of a grinder, while taking into account the fact that during wet grinding dust will not form. If, nevertheless, the work goes on a dry surface, it is necessary to use protective equipment: a respiratory mask and a suit. In the presence of metal bases of the ship’s hull, a sandblasting machine is used.
Complete interior renovation
The first step in restyling the interior and exterior of the yacht is a thorough study of the vessel to discover flaws and structural aspects of the hull. This is done to determine which pieces may be retained and which should be replaced. Following that, designers begin their work, thinking through every component of the redesigned interior. The design project is then agreed upon with the customer, and work begins.
Joinery works
Joinery works take its roots from 18th century craftsmanships. Classic yacht restoration includes hull repairs and restoration, including hand caulking, teak decking, wood deckhouse construction, repairs to wooden masts/booms, and the rebuilding of wooden doors, hatches, and wood deck accessories.