
Why Transport Services Are Essential in the Pandemic

Even before the pandemic, there has been a massive shortage of truck drivers in the United States. There were an estimated 51,000 drivers on demand to keep up with the economy. The pandemic highlighted just how bad that shortage could be and the importance of transport services in the country.

More than just having your orders sent to you, these deliveries are also key in our survival and recovery from this pandemic.

Keeping the supply chain open

We all remember what happened when news of the pandemic first came out. Everyone was stocking up and panic buying like crazy. Supermarket shelves were empty, and there was a time that nobody knew when the next delivery would come. Now imagine what would have happened if drivers and supply management weren’t around to bring the next stock.

Despite the threat of the virus, truck drivers and logistic services have been working tirelessly to deliver essential items to different parts of the country. It’s important to recognize the importance of keeping the supply chain running as some remote areas rely heavily on these services to get their food and items.

On top of that, these on-the-road frontliners face their own set of challenges when traveling. Doing deliveries is completely different than what it was before the pandemic. A lot of them are having difficulty because rest stops are closed, making it harder to find food or even a place to stay. A lot of these items have to be urgently delivered as well because they are perishable goods. Produce and meat products left too long in storage will only end up as waste if not delivered right away.

Maintaining the economy

Although it may seem like the least of our worries, having the supply chain in constant production has helped sustain businesses. If stores and establishments can’t get their supplies, then they will be forced to close shop. This will only worsen the already increasing unemployment rate in the country.

As of June, the unemployment rate was at 11.1 percent. Although it was lower than in April, with 14.7 percent, it is still significantly higher than it was in the past 70 years. The business has been drastically affected, and a shortage of supplies can only make it more difficult for everyone. Some food businesses are fortunate that they are still in high demand even during a pandemic, but it will be a lot harder to operate without their supplies.

Delivering healthcare items

One of the most important roles of logistics and transport teams is the dissemination of healthcare items. From personnel protective equipment (PPE) to medication, truck drivers play a crucial part in supplying hospitals with the items they need. Once a vaccine is available, they will also take part in the delivery and circulation of these medications to hospitals.

However, recent shortages have revealed that this industry lacks proper funding, which has resulted in poor performance. Recent reports show that the PPE and supplies shortage has only worsened in the past few months. Experts note that government action is needed to solve the deficiencies faced by supply chains. Lack of information and coordination was seen to be one reason, which has caused many delays and problems for companies handling these deliveries.

Aside from the healthcare sector, the transportation and logistics center is also important in overcoming the pandemic. It’s not enough to wait for a vaccine, but there needs to be a system in place that supports those frontliners who are tirelessly crossing borders to deliver essential goods and supplies. Without them, several shortages might be experienced, and recovery might not be possible.

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