
Wealth Solutions and Your Earning Options

There are options for economic crisis, Spread, Default, Unemployment, Protests, Poverty and Crash of the stock market. We are bombarded with dozens of these media messages every day. Talking about Wealth in this period may seem like a distant fantasy, if not even an insult to those who struggle every day for their survival. Look for the Make money online guide now.

The system in which our parents grew up, and in which we were born, is crumbling to make way for a new social and economic order. Some people will be crushed, others will generate more wealth than they could imagine today.

  • The best time and the worst time
  • It was the best time and the worst time,
  • The season of wisdom and the season of madness,
  • The age of faith and the age of unbelief;
  • The period of light, and the period of darkness,
  • The spring of hope and the winter of despair.
  • We had everything in front of us, we had nothing in front of us.

The difference between global economy and personal economy

Apparently things are not going and won’t be that bad globally, but are we sure that the global economy is so important to us?

We know people who are very worried about the daily trend of the spread, but who do not care at all about how to develop their careers, perhaps differentiating their sources of income. Undoubtedly, macro-economic variables and the decisions made by those who govern us have an impact on our lives, but moving ahead and outside the classical schemes, this impact can be much less relevant than we might think.

In short, it is of fundamental importance to be able to distinguish between global and personal economy:

The global economy depends on national and international policies, on the choices of central banks, on the strategies of large financial institutions and large multinationals. You and we don’t know each other directly, but we have a vague suspicion that your (like mine) ability to influence the global economy is somewhat poor.

The personal economy instead depends on your choices: on the training you choose to have, on the projects and objectives you intend to invest in, on the economic and financial choices you decide to make. Is there a link between the two planes (global and personal economy)? Of course yes, but the more your choices anticipate global dynamics, the more your personal economy will benefit from it.

If you want to generate wealth, then you need to focus on your personal economy

We happened to confront myself on this point in the comments to a previous article, if you want to make money, forget the step-by-step magic formula. You must first assimilate the rules of the game, the basic principles and then mix these ingredients to create your unique and inimitable recipe.

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