Kratom – An Ancient Herb that’s Attracting so Much Attention Worldwide

Some Kratom users in the United States credit it with getting off heroin, alcohol, and oxycodone. Other users mix a teaspoon of this traditional herbal powder into a glass of water and take it once or twice a day. According to NBC News, there are millions of Americans who use Kratom.
Since the early 19th century, Kratom leaves are either brewed in tea or chewed by people in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries in Southeast Asia. The unique contents of kratom leaves are believed to ease fatigue, relieve pain, and boost mood. This herb acts as a stimulant when taken in low doses. It has opioid painkilling impact and sedative properties, particularly when taken in higher doses.
Surge in popularity
As the Kratom supplement continues to surge in popularity in the United States, some health experts and consumers have expressed some concerns. Is it safe to use Kratom? Does it have a negative impact on one’s health? These are some of the common questions that some consumers and healthcare professionals ask.
A recent survey of over 8,000 Kratom users revealed that this herb is majorly used to relieve pain or treat mood disorders. During the survey, some users said they prefer Kratom as it reduces withdrawal symptoms from illicit drug use and prescription opioids.
Is Kratom safe?
Well, the answer depends on who you ask. Nearly everyone who knows this traditional herb has an opinion.
Keep in mind that Kratom is legal in the United States and is often marketed as alternative medicine. If you want to buy Kratom, you can find it in local and online stores that sell alternative medicine and supplements.
At low doses, this ancient herb has been reported to work like most stimulants. Regular users have reported that the herb helps boost energy levels, improve mood (make someone more sociable), and increases the user’s alertness.
The primary ingredients of Kratom are 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine. Accumulating scientific evidence suggests that these alkaloids have pain-relieving (analgesic), anti-inflammatory, and muscle-relaxing effects. This is the main reason Kratom is used to treat or ease fibromyalgia symptoms.
Kratom plant has dark green leaves. These leaves are often dried and powdered or crushed. Users can find fortified Kratom powder in stores, which is either light brown or green in color. Keep in mind that these powders may contain extracts from other related plants too. So, check the ingredient list before purchasing this product.
Today, Kratom is also available in capsule, tablet, and paste forms. Most users in the United States brew Kratom as a tea for self-management of opioid withdrawal and pain. As medical scientists and researchers continue to study the health benefits of this traditional herb, there is a good chance they will uncover more health benefits of Kratom.
Long term users of Kratom have been praising this herb for its outstanding health benefits. On the other hand, critics have their reasons to oppose this herb. But one thing is for sure; as researchers continue to conduct studies, they will uncover more and more benefits of Kratom.
Please note that these are our views and not the opinion of the companies.