How to Choose the Best Retail Security Tags

If you are a store manager, or you own a retail shop, then you know how critical it is to have a strong loss prevention strategy. You can invest in security cameras, dummy cameras, store security guards, and post signs up letting people know they are being watched, but the best way to prevent shoplifting without impeding on the customer experience is to buy the best retail security tags from a security company that knows how to meet the unique needs of every store. RFID and EAS tags are ideal things to have to help prevent shoplifting.
Retail Security Tags with Visible Ink
Some retail security tags have a little window containing ink. When the tag is attached to the product, and someone attempts to walk off with that product and they go past the RFID reader or EAS reader, the tag is activated and an alarm will sound. More importantly, if the thief tries to remove the tag, whether he attempts this inside the store, or outside of the shop, the ink will explode all over the garment and therefore render it as an item with no value. Simply seeing that a retail security tag has ink will deter thieves. In fact, studies show that more than 90% of shoplifters will give up on stealing from a store if these types of retail security tags are used.
Some Retail Security Tags Have Flashing Lights
Another feature that can be found in some retail security tags are flashing lights. When a light flashes it commands attention. In the case of retail security tags, when lights flash, one gets the feeling like they are being watched or monitored. Not only are the flashing lights on retail security tags a deterrent for thieves, but they serve a functional purpose that enables store employees to know where a product is, at all times. If someone is carrying that product towards the door, past the point of sales area, they will know. This type of tag is popular for expensive boxed electronics such as a TV or a computer. In many cases thieves will load up a TV in a cart, and walk out of the store with it in a calm manner giving off the appearance that it was paid for. If they get stopped, they plan to play the, “oh, sorry, I am tired and wasn’t paying attention” card. However, if thieves know that a retail security tag is attached to the box tracking the item’s location, they will likely give up in their attempt to steal it.
Consider Retail Security Tags that have a Custom Fit for Specific Products
Sporting goods and art work are two commonly stolen things, as they are both easy to resell online. The number one stolen sporting goods are golf clubs. Most thieves will slide them down the leg of their trousers, and just walk on out. The best retail security tags for these items are capable of locking around the circumference of the club, preventing a person from sliding it off. Instead, once the item is paid for, only an employee can unlock it with a special tool. With RFID or EAS technology, the tag will sound alarms once someone attempts to carry out the club. These tags can also lock around art sculptures, artifacts, antiques, and any specialty item with a part or component that fits within the tag’s circumference.
All of these retail security tags are highly popular, and worth the investment when it comes to protecting your bottom line.