Dr. Ayman Kandeel Opens Up About Main Passions In Life

Global Economist and Entrepreneur Dr. Ayman Kandeel Shares Personal Insight Into His Passions In Life From His Home In Los Angeles.
Dr. Ayman Kandeel is a serial entrepreneur, a doctor of finance and global economics, and is the founder of some of the leading development firms across the board. Over the years, most of Dr. Kandeel’s business ventures and financial commitments have been largely centered in such fields as the real estate development sector, the finance and technology start-up industry as of 2013. Dr. Ayman made a foray into the official defense contracting business in 2015 and has since been the number one equipment supplier for the Egyptian Police force to date.
Outside of his work, his passions for advertising, publishing, and entertainment are just a few things you can find him working on. These interests have subsequently seen Dr. Kandeel establish his own comic book company, enter the world of publishing, invest in entertainment venue funding, and so much more.
“As an entrepreneur, I believe in good business ethics and goodwill in conducting business,” explains Dr. Ayman Kandeel while speaking from his home in Los Angeles, California. Throughout his career, Dr. Kandeel has, he says, remained committed to deploying the skills and expertise of both himself and his team on every project undertaken.
In his work as an economist and entrepreneur, Dr. Kandeel has established and co-managed numerous businesses in the world of finance. He’s also been directly involved in raising large amounts of capital for various companies in the real estate, technology, and entertainment sectors.
Yet, it’s Dr. Ayman Kandeel’s various personal passions in life that have seen the entrepreneur undertake some of his most exciting and unique projects.
Comic book fan Dr. Ayman Kandeel embraces publishing, advertising, and academia.
Since childhood, Dr. Ayman Kandeel has been an avid fan of comic books. When the opportunity arose, the entrepreneur quickly put his business experience to establish his comic book publishing company. “In 2001, I founded AK Comics, a highly publicized comic book publisher, with over forty publications in English, Arabic, Greek, and Chinese,” reveals comic book fan Dr. Kandeel.
AK Comics saw the economist and entrepreneur featured on multiple media outlets, including the BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, NPR, NBC, and Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show.
Back in the mid-1990s, and with a long-standing interest in the industry, Dr. Kandeel also co-founded a successful advertising agency. “The business was eventually acquired by what is today, by and large, Egypt’s top ad agency,” he reveals.
Even now, more than two decades on, Dr. Kandeel remains similarly passionate about the field and is a significant shareholder in one of the country’s most renowned below-the-line advertising agencies.
Following his successful hands-on spell in advertising and publishing, Dr. Kandeel then forged a distinguished academic career. Until 2009, he served as a professor at Cairo University. He’s also lectured at the University of Southern California and Cal State Long Beach.
Dr. Ayman Kandeel since retired from the academic arena to further focus on his business ventures. Today, he sits on the board of various corporations in the U.S., Egypt, and the broader Middle East. Elsewhere, and inspired by two more of his passions, Dr. Kandeel has recently backed an investment vehicle specializing in funding entertainment venues and restaurants.