Do You Know the Working of Wirelines and Slicklines?

In order to make logging and reconditioning efforts, various tools that are needed for inserting into the well are wirelines and slicklines and both of them are comparable devices.
Slickline is thin wire which is injected into well for providing and recovering the down hole tools. An electrical cable will be used for lowering the tools to transmit data on the wellbore conditions in Renegade Wireline Services.
When we refer slickline then it will mean a single-stranded wire which will be used for running tools in wellbore for a number of reasons. All oil and gas industries use it, and use slickline truck or perform certain slickline job.
Slickline is used for placing and recovering wellbore equipment, like gauges, plugs and valves. These slip lines are usually single-strand non-electrical cables which will be lowered into the wells of oil and gas from the surface.
Slicklines are also utilized for adjusting down hole valves/sleeves, and also for repairing tubes inside the wellbore.
They are wrapped around drum at the truck’s back, and the slickline will be lifted and then lowered into well by hydraulically winding and also pulling it down.
Wireline service is considered as wiring system which is used by operators for lowering equipment, meters or wired tools into a wellbore. Cable will consist of braided wires that will be used for recovery of pipes, meant for intervention, evaluation or maintenance purposes.
The cables are usually electrical cables which transmit data into the well which is made up of either single or multiple strands, and the cable will be used for intervention or training evaluation operations.
Which means wired networks will be useful for collecting different well data during logging activities, and also in re-packaging tasks which is needed during transmission of data.
Wireline logs
Wire logs will measure all properties of the formation in well with the help of electrical wire lines.
Various kinds of registers and wired logs are used for constant down-hole measurements which is sent through power cable used for helping engineers, geologists, and drillers to make real-time decisions regarding drilling operations.
Wireline logs will measure resistivity, conductivity, and also formation pressure, and also the entire sound properties and also dimensions of boreholes.
Logging tool, which also known as probe will be located at bottom of the cable. All measurements will be taken by lowering cable to prescribed depth and thereafter pulling it out from the well.