
Best AI technologies for marketing

Most people have heard numerous great things about ‘Artificial intelligence’, or AI. It’s transforming the way we interact with technology, while for businesses, this is just the perfect opportunity to gain market exposure and utilize the customer base. AI technologies for marketing have evolved over the years, with terms like ‘Big Data’ & ‘deep learning’ being used more often than usual. From extensive use of chatbots to engage with customers and ensuring business availability, to using plugins for website translation in multiple languages, AI is everywhere.

In this post, we take a look at the best AI technologies, specifically for marketing and branding.

  1. Chatbots

Chatbots are here to stay. For businesses, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that they are connected with their audience at all times, and chatbots just ensure that. Customers don’t have to wait for hours to get a response on phone, when a chatbot can answer all their queries. It not only allows businesses to engage with customers better, but also reduce the work load of marketing and sales teams, which are often overwhelmed with queries. Relying on AI and machine learning, chatbots are transforming business operations, and the data gathered by chatbots can be used more effectively to take necessary decisions.

Chatbots can be used for marketing and branding in numerous ways. From sending customized offers, to sharing tips and advice – This is the best way to ensure customer interaction without a pause. Siri, Cortana, and Alexa being the biggest examples.

  1. Automated website translation

We live in a multilingual world, and if your company is trying to penetrate new markets and regions, having a multilingual website is an absolute must! Today, AI has empowered translation plugins to offer a website in as many as 10 different languages. The best translation plugins for WordPress rely extensively on DeepL and machine learning to offer language-specific information to end users. Everything from SEO meta tags and posts, to product descriptions on WooCommerce sites, everything can be translated without any effort. The best plugins have been designed to be SEO-friendly, so your marketing efforts will be rewarded, regardless of how many regions you are targeting.

The future of website translation relies on AI, because both automated & manual translations will fuel consumer searches on multilingual sites.

  1. Product & content recommendations

Most online retailers and ecommerce sites, including big names like Amazon & Netflix, are relying extensively on AI to offer product & content recommendations to users. Based on their search history, users can find recommendations and suggestions that are completely tailored for them. AI-based clustering is the new way to do business, so as to offer a customized experience for every consumer, no matter the volume of data, or number of consumers being catered to.

Experts agree that AI-based product recommendations and other content suggestions may change the way people perceive a brand. It also fosters brand connection, because these users are likely to find certain brands better because of the customized experience they get – courtesy AI!

  1. Email marketing

More brands are relying on AI for enhancing email marketing campaigns. Gone are times when scripted emails and responses were enough to woo consumers. This is the time to offer customized experience with emails, and based on website interactions, recent purchases, preferred choices, brands are creating templates for specific groups. This is the essence and basic premise of AI-based clustering. Creating personalized email content gets easier when AI is included in the mix, and some of the best tools that rely on AI for email marketing in particular includes Boomtrain and Persado.

With AI, businesses have the data & trends at disposal, which marketing teams can use effectively to personalize every aspect of emails, right from the title to infographics and clickable elements used in marketing emails.

  1. AI-powered PPC advertising

The best marketing agencies are now relying on AI to discover and find new means and ways to enhance and get more from their PPC ad campaigns. AI basically helps with data, which enables marketing experts to focus better on targeting. For instance, if someone has been looking for ‘cool cat toys’, brands that specialize in such products automatically feature in the user’s Facebook & Instagram feed. This is what Facebook is doing for the longest time – offer targeted ads relying on AI.

AI and machine-learning are going to matter for large PPC campaigns, not just for targeting, but also for creating ads, creating content and copywriting, because the idea is to offer a more effective and personalized experience for every user.

  1. Data translation & content creation

AI is now been extensively used to create readable content from large volumes of data. From simplified summaries to descriptions and business reports, AI-powered tools can be used by marketing experts to generate content that can be used to take critical decisions. AI-generated content is being used for many industries, but when it comes to small descriptions and social media content in the short format, this can be really powerful tool. A good example of AI-fueled tool is Rocco, which recommends social media content for brands that consumers are more likely to like. AI can be used, as we discussed before, to create personalized emails and messages.

In conclusion

The future of advertising and marketing will be about Big Data, AI and Machine learning. It has to be about using data, customer interactions with websites and apps, and taking meaningful steps towards optimizing marketing campaigns. For example, if a website owner figures out that a considerable part of the website traffic is coming from a specific region, he/she may decide to use something like Omniglot – AI DeepL WordPress Plugin to gain the most of SEO. Similarly, when someone has been looking for cute DIY videos, a website can create a curated list of DIY posts for the customer, which can be sent as a part of promotional emails.

The key takeaway here is the scope that AI offers for marketing, and if your brand is not harnessing the current options, you are already missing out!

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