Artists in the Air: Inside the High Flying Shows Performed by Cirque du Soleil This Holiday Season

Rather than unwrapping a present this Holiday season, consider giving your loved ones an invitation to a memory they will keep with them forever. Whether in Las Vegas or Disney Springs, the high-flying artists and creatives at Cirque du Soleil have been working fervently to give YOU an experience that will last a lifetime.
Cirque du Soleil: A Magical Journey
Cirque du Soleil sprang from the ground out of the efforts of Gilles Ste-Croix, an Avante-grade troupe leader in the village of Baie-Saint-Paul. Imbuing live performances with the flair that we’ve come to expect from stunning Cirque du Soliel performances, it didn’t take long for Ste-Croix to instill a following for his efforts. From stilt-walkers to dancers and jugglers, these performers would create the core of the Cirque du Soleil experience.
Shows in the Desert
After finding success as a troupe on the streets of Baie-Saint-Paul near Quebec City in Canada, Cirque du Soleil would take their efforts to an international level by finding a home in the desert of Las Vegas. Now with six full-time shows on rotation, fans of live performances can find their way to the best last-minute tickets Las Vegas has available.
If you are looking for shows in Vegas tonight that offer the best of what Cirque du Soleil has to offer, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s briefly highlight a few of the top Las Vegas shows currently presented by Cirque du Soleil.
Meet the Blue Man Group at the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Each show is a unique experience presented in a custom theater designed to maximize the efforts of the talents on stage. From synced light shows and smoke efforts to dazzling effects and lighting shows, you’ll be swayed by the percussive nature of the magical Blue Man Group.
If you aren’t in the mood for the Blue Man Group, visitors to Vegas will find a way to lose themselves in the artistry of Mystere, one of the longest-running shows presented by Cirque du Soleil at Treasure Island. The show blends colorful scenery, comedic chops, and stunning aerial maneuvers to keep every audience member on the edge of their seats.
Finally, close out your trip to Las Vegas with a show featuring the stunning music of Michael Jackson at LOVE. Love is a stunning celebration of Michael Jackson and his efforts as the King of Pop, as his music comes to life set to acrobatics and performance.
Head to Disney Springs
If Las Vegas isn’t up your alley, you can find an unforgettable experience that imbues the best of Disney and Cirque du Soleil at the World of Disney in Disney Springs. A first-of-its-kind collaboration between Disney and Cirque du Soleil has led to the introduction of Drawn to Life; a performance piece fit for the whole family.
Drawn to Life follows a young Julie as she seeks to unlock the mystery behind her late father’s last piece of unfinished animation. Featuring talents from around the globe and some of the best costume and wardrobe designers on the planet, Drawn to Life brings you into the exciting world of Disney through an innovative and introspective journey.
Are you ready to explore the World of Disney or Cirque du Soleil?